
An Educational Program for Divorcing Parents

Tennessee has one of the highest divorce rates in the U.S. Because divorce is so common, it may seem like adjustment to divorce has become easier for everyone involved. In reality, divorce is hard for all family members, especially children. Because of concerns about the negative impact of divorce on children, the Tennessee State Legislature passed a law requiring divorcing parents of minor children to attend a parent education program.

The University of Tennessee Extension has developed a four-hour program, “Parenting Apart: Effective Co-Parenting,” to help divorcing parents learn how to help their children cope with the issues that arise because of the parent’s divorce. $40 payment and registration are required before class date.

Contact the Extension Office for more information (865) 376-5558

Class Overview

Classes include group discussion, the viewing of videos, and lecture. Each participant will receive a booklet about parenting through divorce and a list of local resources. Classes are taught by Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) agents.

Helpful Resouces

Need more information about this class, send Lisa a note below.

Contact Us – Lisa McMahan
Lisa Leigh McMahan Profile Page
Lisa Leigh McMahan
Extension Agent II, Roane County