The Roane County 4-H Poultry Club is the best group to be a part of if you love poultry or are interested in learning more about poultry. There are a variety of activities available to Poultry Club members and you even get a special poultry club t-shirt! Participate in Egg Layer Chick Chain, Meat Bird Chick Chain, the Poultry Judging teams, bring your chickens and eggs to one of the three fairs we have, look about egg cookery, and so much more.
The Egg Layer Chick Chain is a poultry project where youth in grades 4th – 12th can receive 12 chicks to raise on your own. While the Chick Chain is very similar to other 4-H animal projects, requiring time, space, and money, it is inexpensive and “egg-citing.” This 4-H project is designed to teach youth about responsibility and good decision-making. Each selected participant pays a deposit, receives brand new baby pullets (females), and is responsible for feeding, caring, and maintaining records on the pullets from the time they receive them in Spring until the County Poultry Show and Sale in September. Youth will receive the money the pullets bring at auction as well as show premiums if three chicks are brought to the Poultry Show and Sale; you forfeit any premium money if you do not show your pullets.
The Meat Bird Chick Chain is an opportunity for youth in grades 4th-12th to raise 5 meat birds from chicks to finishing size. Youth will then get the opportunity to learn about processing, marketing, and selling the products. This 4-H project is designed to teach youth about responsibility and good decision-making. Each selected participant pays a deposit, receives brand new baby Cornish Cross chicks, and is responsible for feeding, caring, and maintaining records on the meat birds. Meat Bird Chick Chain is currently limited to ten participants.
Poultry Judging is a fun way to use all of the knowledge you learn during Chick Chain meetings. Teams of four (based on school grade) will learn to grade and identify processed meat, eggs, and live chickens in the same way that the USDA grades poultry products that you find in the grocery store. The Junior team won 1st place in the Eastern region in 2024 and we are looking to continue adding members to our teams. This opportunity is for 3rd-12th grade.